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How much do you laugh at Finns for letting niggers and other illegal rubbish in the country because Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 14:50:16 122150 1
httpsassets.ilc[...].jpeg 52Кб, 920x451
How much do you laugh at Finns for letting niggers and other illegal rubbish in the country because "they are freezing outside"?
Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 11:47:32 122334 2
9def7317b7d5c18[...].jpg 36Кб, 390x500
Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 12:57:02 122336 3
1660938912662936.jpg 37Кб, 739x739
jokes aside, i got a really dark african at work and his wife african is doctor. he speaks like 6 languages and few african dialects. super smart guy.

the dumbest immigrants are poles here. we get smart africans here, the poor ones cant afford to pay the turkish smuglers.

i slowly understand why hitler did not like poles
Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 19:45:43 122340 4
Anonymous  28/11/23 Втр 01:26:00 122345 5
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 00:54:33 122657 6
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 14:05:29 125002 7
"Me rate" finn is best kind of finn.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 14:06:23 125003 8
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 12:03:11 126767 9
113132.JPG 12Кб, 291x367
no IQ

dick lenght is
hitler 13 cm
my nigger at work about 15 cm
mine is 18cm
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