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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMKC3tAbdcs&amp;pp=ygUNZ29oYW4gdnMgY2VsbA%3D%3D Best fight in DBZ. Anonymous  01/09/23 Птн 10:58:29 119941 Ответ
IMG0241.jpeg 241Кб, 716x1022
Anonymous  01/09/23 Птн 12:14:19 119945
>>119941 (OP)
I got the message - skin the nigger to check if he is really human.
Happening on Hawaii is scary... Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 08:22:38 119797 Ответ
hawaii.mp4 16453Кб, 480x698, 00:04:51
Happening on Hawaii is scary...
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5 с картинками.
Пропущено 5 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 09:25:23 119849
>>119797 (OP)
Гори, мятежны дух, гори!
Что может быть прекрасней?
Ведь без ошибок и любви
Мы ставим крест на счастье...
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 10:40:36 119864
>>119797 (OP)
Murrica sucked against, carfaggots sucked hard. Well never gets old to watch goo ol murica burning.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 13:32:14 119869
take a shit.jpg 108Кб, 1080x1069
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 14:12:54 119873
>>119797 (OP)
USA lives rent free on Russian minds like Putin lives rent free on Ukrainian minds.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 20:38:10 119881
Всем похуй. Ешь хуй.
Okay, need some explanation Anonymous  18/08/23 Птн 20:45:17 119138 Ответ
1379149205006.jpg 151Кб, 400x566
I see here massive influx of foreign posters (which is funny tbh because there were never foreigners here before, just proxy russians and butthurt ukrainians from Poland). They mostly post soyjak.

Are you guys refugees from some dead imageboard? I cant quite grasp your story because there are only bits of it here and there in your posts.
I'd be grateful if someone explains shit to me in simple terms like for 56 iq nigger.
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11 с картинками.
Пропущено 46 постов, 11 с картинками.
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 14:38:21 119619
Yes Russia harrased Napoleon, Hitler and many others before them so much.
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 17:57:44 119624
You can burn us alive and shit on the ash. We're all just mortal humans. But you never heal your mental wounds. Every day you shall think about your murdered ancestors, and every night you shall see us in your nightmares.
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 18:54:29 119625
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 19:56:40 119631
Anonymous  24/08/23 Чтв 00:44:59 119644
Thanks, a lot has changed in the past few days, our altchan has been revived but I’m staying here to post
This is true Anonymous  22/08/23 Втр 16:25:48 119567 Ответ
1582668524262960.jpg 85Кб, 716x1022
This is true
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2 с картинками.
Пропущено 7 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  22/08/23 Втр 23:48:32 119601
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 00:01:06 119602
People already skinned niggers in like, the 16th century and determined that they had different skulls and brains from white people.
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 00:07:00 119603
MYth-busted.jpg 68Кб, 322x240
Thank you, independent fact-ckecker. Deboonked.
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 00:32:17 119605
Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 07:00:56 119615
>>119567 (OP)
Nice message - you need to gut a nigger for him to become a normal white person)
NIGER LIBERATION THREAD Anonymous  31/07/23 Пнд 16:08:14 117506 Ответ
VID202307310204[...].mp4 3059Кб, 368x656, 00:00:30
Our NIGER brothers threw off the puppet regime of the French NIGGERS.
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13 с картинками.
Пропущено 16 постов, 13 с картинками.
Anonymous  21/08/23 Пнд 05:23:55 119444
Anonymous  21/08/23 Пнд 09:45:33 119454
>>117506 (OP)
Are NIGGERS from NIGGER going to invade NIGGERIA or it is other way around?
Anonymous  21/08/23 Пнд 11:09:58 119457
ilovecobson8mb.mp4 7340Кб, 960x720, 00:01:01
1691529113076-3.mp4 11621Кб, 634x1080, 00:00:43
Anonymous  21/08/23 Пнд 20:34:00 119489
VID202308220031[...].mp4 6182Кб, 854x480, 00:00:41
Hi, niggers.
Anonymous  21/08/23 Пнд 20:56:44 119490
16915314733850.mp4 292Кб, 976x720, 00:00:02
Me on the video Anonymous  21/08/23 Пнд 13:23:23 119463 Ответ
16926130469250.mp4 1090Кб, 326x720, 00:00:13
Me on the video
Will someone Anonymous  16/02/23 Чтв 01:43:00 111945 Ответ
Россия - типичн[...].mp4 11249Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:59
Are someone going to say Russians they live bad because of their own actions as a nation inside their big-shit-trash country ?
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12 с картинками.
Пропущено 20 постов, 12 с картинками.
Anonymous  14/08/23 Пнд 15:35:08 117787
MUSLIMS DANCING[...].mp4 4449Кб, 640x360, 00:00:55
Anonymous  14/08/23 Пнд 15:36:44 117788
modern talking([...].mp4 37812Кб, 1080x1080, 00:01:35
The truth is translated clearly.
Anonymous  14/08/23 Пнд 20:06:54 117797
Пошёл на хуй, болезный, со своими стенами текста.
Твоё горе никого не ебёт, иди жалуйся в Спортлото.
Anonymous  18/08/23 Птн 21:32:40 119144
1554331370712.jpg 174Кб, 1280x960
bring up my posts
Anonymous  19/08/23 Суб 01:57:01 119184
60cpV2NLh8.jpg 95Кб, 1125x625
>>111945 (OP)
Nobody's living like this now. Only borderline hobos and very poor people that exist in every country

Bad attempt at Nahr'uk. Meds + sproke + BBC therapy
Hello /int/ I’m a blxck trans latinx xueen Ask me anything Anonymous  18/05/23 Чтв 13:02:46 114820 Ответ
IMG4257.jpeg 136Кб, 696x802
Hello /int/ I’m a blxck trans latinx xueen
Ask me anything
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35 с картинками.
Пропущено 75 постов, 35 с картинками.
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 19:31:51 118947
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 19:36:53 118948
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 20:03:10 118958
I think about a million moldovans live in Moscow illegally. Aren't they Romanian as well?
чуд  17/08/23 Чтв 20:08:52 118960
shocked cob.png 35Кб, 721x789
omg red is doing an AMA
Anonymous  18/08/23 Птн 10:05:06 119054
ITT: ukrainians mobilisation escapees refuse to speak Russian, but they don't actually know Ukrainian, so they speak broken English.
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