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Poland Anonymous  13/07/23 Чтв 21:25:19 117237 1
FlagofPoland.svg.png 0Кб, 1200x750
Why are they so butthurt all the time?
Anonymous  13/07/23 Чтв 21:50:35 117239 2
Anonymous  13/07/23 Чтв 23:16:49 117240 3
F04yS1HWcAAGrss.jpeg 37Кб, 876x960
F075oQdWIAMAJjw.png 388Кб, 491x712
The resident "Pole" anon understands Cyrillic script. It should give you a hint.
Anonymous  14/07/23 Птн 00:25:26 117241 4
Poles learn Russian in school.
Anonymous  14/07/23 Птн 07:17:10 117243 5
Anonymous  14/07/23 Птн 08:47:36 117244 6
Someone post the drunk polandball pic where it is implied that he ruined Russia's anyc.
Anonymous  14/07/23 Птн 11:26:51 117245 7
1646096855517.png 582Кб, 621x1253
Anonymous  17/07/23 Пнд 01:12:57 117277 8
Anonymous  17/07/23 Пнд 21:33:12 117288 9
Anonymous  20/07/23 Чтв 16:07:02 117356 10
no, they learn english (good) and german (subhuman language)
russian was removed from schools in 1990
Anonymous  20/07/23 Чтв 16:17:23 117357 11
>poles calling germans subhuman
>they literally annhilated their joke nation in a matter of days
Anonymous  20/07/23 Чтв 16:26:57 117358 12
stealing and being violent doesn't mean being civilized
their only advantage was that they were sponsored by jews
Anonymous  16/08/23 Срд 20:17:14 118342 13
Stop drinking so much idiot go outside ur making me cringe
Anonymous  16/08/23 Срд 20:28:05 118353 14
They’re right gerwomen are subhuman
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:36:45 122265 15
>Poles learn Russian in school.
lol no
nobody young knows russian, I only know bc imageboards
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:39:13 122266 16
co ty pierdolisz, ja i większość moich znajomych w przedziale 25-35 lvl znamy rosyjski, jedni lepiej drudzy gorzej ale jakaś tam umiejętność jest
może w warszawce nie znają bo tam już im tak korbą we łbie zakręcili że nie umieją rozmawiać czystym polskim tylko wpierdalają te wieśniackie angielskie słowa xD
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:39:48 122267 17
not entirely true, I have a friend from Łódź who learnt Russian in middle school 10 years ago, and another from Lublin who did too
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:40:39 122268 18
145114196335024[...].jpg 19Кб, 400x288
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:41:35 122269 19
145114203440927[...].jpg 143Кб, 750x563
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:41:57 122270 20
145114205948237[...].jpg 39Кб, 547x371
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:42:56 122271 21
145305909353193[...].jpg 39Кб, 632x368
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 00:48:19 122273 22
>ja i większość moich znajomych w przedziale 25-35 lvl znamy rosyjski
hard podlasie represent
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:04:36 122275 23
pope burger.gif 187Кб, 400x480
nooo koledzy
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:06:16 122276 24
whores2.png 1043Кб, 2918x1321
what for? it's a dead language of dead subhumans
like the only use I would have for it is to speak to kacap whores but they all speak Polish anyway so what for
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:13:39 122277 25
1674211828217054.gif 219Кб, 225x300
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:21:55 122278 26
papaj psychodel[...].gif 9146Кб, 533x640
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:31:11 122279 27
1674302068536550.gif 462Кб, 513x291
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:32:26 122280 28
1674300106056238.gif 1444Кб, 300x192
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:35:29 122281 29
1674211280260416.gif 91Кб, 200x230
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:57:22 122285 30
daaajcie kaamie[...].jpg 50Кб, 728x540
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 13:18:58 122315 31
ja wohl, mein liebe Freund aus Westpolen
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 13:42:40 122319 32
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 18:15:00 122324 33
>>117237 (OP)
They were strong once, then had a hundred year long struggle with Russia over dominance in eastern Europe and lost it eventually, getting wrecked in several wars, thrice partitioned, induced as part of Russia. Their national butthurt led them to fucking with all their neighbours in interbellum the minute they got independence, getting partitioned again and being russian bitch for half a century more.
Now they arm themselves and are eyeing Kaliningrad and wshodny kresy. Just... stop. Go ask Germany for reparations or something, any time Poland actually managed to harm Russia it came back and made poles suffer dearly.
Anonymous  09/12/23 Суб 01:14:22 122762 34
Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 01:05:23 122959 35
this time putin will make you weak and russia will fall apart
you will see
I love russian people, but you deserve to be better country, friend of EU and USA
Anonymous  18/12/23 Пнд 16:21:50 123081 36
Have you taken your pills today?
Anonymous  22/12/23 Птн 09:42:05 123224 37
>I will personally come to your house and slice your throat
You need to stop hiding from ukrainian army recruiters is Poland first.

Also, kacap meands "butcher", ukroturks should know this well but invent some funny etymology to hide their fear of Ivan who has had enough.
Anonymous  22/12/23 Птн 10:12:07 123226 38
They was pro-western on 91-10, and all what they got is another military Reich at their borders
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 02:11:05 126356 39
video2024-05-17[...].mp4 10008Кб, 432x464, 00:03:07
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 06:37:10 126620 40
>>117237 (OP)
white color is for tears, red color is for blood from hemorrhoids
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 08:40:49 126743 41
You are wrong. White colour is for semen, red color is for eyes.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 17:35:26 126756 42
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 03:16:12 126821 43
lvl 23 here, wybrałem ruski w technikum i tam się wyuczyłem się podstaw, w pandemię maturę zdawałem więc nwm typek chyba typowo z warszawki i od mózgozwęglacza mu się wydaje że tuż po komunie ruski wypadł na amen z programu u nas, albo że jestem z zaboru ruskiego to miałem a pruski już nie ma, nwm xD
Anonymous  12/06/24 Срд 05:14:36 126843 44
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