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Australia speaks and shows. https://www.tiktok.com/@canthinky/video/7248884406947941639 https://ww Anonymous  16/09/23 Суб 16:13:23 120333 1
images (2).jpeg 33Кб, 662x463
images (3).jpeg 23Кб, 680x451
Anonymous  16/09/23 Суб 19:42:21 120340 2
Anonymous  16/09/23 Суб 20:02:26 120341 3
>>120333 (OP)
Australia is a fake. No people live in southern hemisphere at all, brits tried settle it but expeditions fell off Earth, so they desided to dump their criminals into open space, calling it """shipping to Australia (wink wink)""".
Anonymous  17/09/23 Вск 01:45:21 120343 4
Russia is a fake. No people live in northern hemisphere at all.
Anonymous  17/09/23 Вск 06:55:11 120348 5
Anonymous  17/09/23 Вск 12:46:52 120357 6
Legit counterpoint.

Therefore the only real people live on equator.
Anonymous  18/09/23 Пнд 15:44:16 120428 7
The equator is an imaginary line of no width.
Anonymous  19/09/23 Втр 22:50:08 120464 8
значит человечества не существует.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 16:02:24 125185 9
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 07:43:32 126429 10
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 13:24:20 126634 11
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