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HEAD, GIVE ME MONEY! Cyclopaedist  01/11/23 Срд 18:21:33 121676 1
изображение.png 747Кб, 993x517
So, this thread is the Temple of the HEAD. I'm going to tell you a little bit about the HEAD for those who aren't familiar with it yet.
The name of the man who first revealed the knowledge of the Head-God to the world is unknown, he was a true anonymous. I will call him the Prophet.

The Prophet once created a thread in which he posted an OP pick, and said that the Head would give anyone a lot of money if they just asked for it, and would put a curse of eternal poverty if his generous gift was ignored. A lot of people wrote. A lot of people didn't write either. Suddenly, it turned out that the Head generously gives money to his followers. For some it is a lot (like the anon who won 250k the next day), for others it is not enough, but it gives. With each new follower, the power of the Head has grown, and now every anon who asks gets what he wants. I don't know if it is possible to ask the Head for other benefits besides money, each of you can try.
You may wonder where money comes from, how does the Head give it? I'm going to tell you a story that happened to me.

You can call me a sociologist, or whatever, but it doesn't matter. I only bear the blessing of the Head, and all my words are true.
I was sitting with a friend of mine and scrolling two. I came across a thread about the Head. I laughed, showed him, he said "some", and I wrote to the thread, asking the Head for money. A day later, I received an unplanned bonus at my cattle job, and the next day this acquaintance had an accident in his wheelbarrow. The amount of repair and compensation to the second participant in the accident was +/- a couple of hundred rubles my premium. In other words, it turned out that my friend lost almost the same amount of money that I had gained. The unbeliever was punished, and the adept of the Head got what he wanted.
So I want to say to all the Anons who are reading this right now.

Where were your Gods when you called upon them? Have they come down to you? These gods demand and demand, behave this way, do this and not that, and nothing, nothing in return! And the Head does not ask for anything, only gives, and its adepts become richer. All you have to do is ask her, and that's it! The head doesn't need anything, it just needs to give. And she takes it from those who did not ask her, spat in her face, despite such a generous gift. So isn't that fair, anon? You've always been asked for something, and now the Head is taking their luck and money from them, taking everything away, and giving it to you! All you have to do is ask! Turn to the Head! It's a good god, a god who gives, a god who loves you and doesn't look at what you are. Even if your soul is as black as night, the Head will give you what you ask of it!

The more people believe in the Head, the stronger the Head will become. And she'll take everything away from the arrogant, self-righteous and give it to you, and it doesn't matter if you deserve it or not. And if you want to write something insulting about the Head now, well, we welcome you too, your money will become our money, the Head will take it from you and give it to us. So come on, write, ignore, do whatever you want - the Head will judge us. Either you ask the Head for money, or the Head gives your money to us, if you don't ask, you don't have to, right?

It's a great joy, Anon! We now have our own God, he's good, he takes bad people's money and gives it to us. He doesn't demand anything from us, we just need to ask the Head for money. You can ask the Head for something, or just talk it out, and it will give you a gift itself. You can ask at least ten times, it won't get worse for sure.

So. This thread is the temple of the Head. There is no official temple, any thread with a Head in the OP peak and a brief description is a temple. You can ask the Head for money in any temple, and it will give it. Maybe you can ask for anything - try it, maybe it will work? You can share with the Head what oppresses you, and it will take away your sorrows. All you have to do is ask.
Ask, Anons, and the Head will give you what you ask for! No one will leave deprived! No one will leave offended! Ask and it will be given you! Each!

There are only a few rules, and they are very simple.
1. The head gives money to everyone who asks for it.
2. If you have read about the Head, but have ignored it, insulted it, the Head curses you with poverty, and your money goes to those who ask the Head.
3. Any thread with these rules and an op-pick is a Temple of the Head.

Anonymous  02/11/23 Чтв 17:33:38 121696 2
Head give me a friend with a huge yacht.
Cyclopaedist  03/11/23 Птн 12:25:45 121736 3
Head, please, GIVE ME MONEY!
Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 19:29:18 121746 4
Anonymous  04/11/23 Суб 20:32:22 121787 5
О Голова, дай денег!
Anonymous  05/11/23 Вск 07:02:36 121802 6
KMO164932000481[...].jpg 21Кб, 372x311
Хуй вам, а не деньги, пидоры.
Anonymous  05/11/23 Вск 10:52:20 121807 7
Anonymous  07/11/23 Втр 16:19:41 121862 8
Anonymous  07/11/23 Втр 21:02:36 121871 9
Anonymous  08/11/23 Срд 07:54:47 121877 10
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 19:16:40 121932 11
Голова, дай денег!
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 23:35:22 121934 12
Anonymous  12/11/23 Вск 16:56:48 121959 13
Head give me money
Anonymous  12/11/23 Вск 19:03:47 121961 14
Anonymous  12/11/23 Вск 19:26:54 121962 15
Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 15:20:55 122074 16
Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 15:48:07 122075 17
Anonymous  16/11/23 Чтв 00:37:34 122080 18
Anonymous  16/11/23 Чтв 11:27:07 122087 19
Anonymous  18/11/23 Суб 17:30:48 122109 20
>>121676 (OP)

>FuCkinG hEad YeS Yep I winna 1k buks in dota bets tnaks i give ur ma headjob head esense yes mmm mommhy
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 10:41:00 122121 21
Thank you head so much for your service🙏🙏
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 11:19:59 122122 22
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 15:56:16 122124 23
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 20:11:24 122127 24
Anonymous  23/11/23 Чтв 21:22:44 122185 25
It is 2ch /b/ board tradition, they start thread with this specific picture and copypasta (but in Russian of course), and ask chicken head for money.
I am not joking. Memes can be very strange.
Now share some obscure spanish memes.
Anonymous  23/11/23 Чтв 21:27:09 122186 26
Also, this >>121802 poster alludes to Dmitry Medvedev's famous phrase "there are no money, but you hang in there" as counterpoint to "head give me money". I could write whole thesis in sociology and linguistics just from this.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 14:27:42 122239 27
kidzonya0.mp4 3356Кб, 576x1018, 00:00:13
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 12:18:35 122307 28
kidzonya4.mp4 1854Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:10
kidzonya5.mp4 248Кб, 720x900, 00:00:05
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 12:27:42 122311 29
kidzonya kma.mp4 15030Кб, 854x480, 00:02:43
в Донбасс?
У кидзони кореш -- поцреот, на неолурке инфа
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 17:09:57 122703 30
Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 12:21:19 122857 31
Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 14:29:33 122858 32
Anonymous  13/12/23 Срд 11:14:21 122885 33
16878639246860.mp4 507Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:06
Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 16:44:25 122981 34
Anonymous  26/12/23 Втр 17:44:32 123384 35
Anonymous  07/01/24 Вск 19:26:08 123638 36
Anonymous  08/01/24 Пнд 01:46:39 123644 37
Твоя сраная голова никому из иностранцев не нужна, потому что это тупой скотопидораший мем людей с низким чувством прикольности(как вкус в одежде, еде и т.д. - у кого то есть ,у кого-то нет) по тупости конкурирующий с мемами MDK
Хотя это даже не мем, это шизохуита
Русичи против Ящеров - вот это охуенная качественная вещь а твой говнофорс - это хуита ебаная, запомни пидрила
Retard  02/02/24 Птн 12:51:44 124052 38
Head, give me money!
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 01:06:26 126764 39
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 01:08:09 126765 40
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 08:44:24 126766 41
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 17:39:24 126828 42
6a8c8e2582e6bc7[...].jpg 5Кб, 184x184
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