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Any mods with English translations for this game? Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 08:40:28 125499 1
6-1-492966-52.webp 26Кб, 382x215
Any mods with English translations for this game?
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 11:36:45 125506 2
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 12:13:35 125507 3
Its way more popular in Russia, everything on the workshop page is in Russian.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 13:38:15 125513 4
изображение.png 350Кб, 552x529
Yes, it's terrible. But it can be worse: when you walk into the workshop of a Japanese game that hasn't even been translated into English, let alone its mods.

In short, just get over it. If there are no mods in English, then the game isn't that popular in the English-speaking community. Although I could open up boosty or pateron for mod translations.... But I already have plenty of projects of my own.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 16:49:15 125554 5
блето.webm 3876Кб, 360x360, 00:00:31
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 00:07:55 126427 6
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