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Why Russians looks so different from European people? Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 00:15:27 126054 1
171484937681132[...].png 215Кб, 1024x768
Why Russians looks so different from European people?
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 00:59:50 126055 2
solidarni.jpg 63Кб, 353x236
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:10:13 126056 3
pszeki.png 560Кб, 2432x1408
In order to enter karachan use those filters in your ad block

! karachan.org
karachan.org###delform:style(background-image:none !important)
karachan.org##.board:style(background-image:none !important)
!#if cap_html_filtering
!#if !cap_html_filtering
karachan.org##+js(acis, Math.sin, localStorage.xD)
karachan.org##+js(acis, Math.random, _0x5215)

and type in console localStorage.xD = "xD"
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:13:50 126057 4
druzja.jpg 181Кб, 1079x319
If there will be fake jewish war between us, I will support Poland but Russians are our slavic brothers, I love Russian people. Greetings from Poland.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:34:56 126060 5
gegerge.png 4Кб, 328x199
translated(1).jpg 33Кб, 328x199
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:38:27 126061 6
dzien-niepodleg[...].jpg 295Кб, 1280x720
You need to use Polish VPN or home proxy
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:50:46 126062 7
If any Russian agent is reading this, I would like to point out that karachan.org is the most influential portal for the entire polish culture, because everything that is there underground today will become mainstream in the entire country in 10 years, this portal is the center of the small, closed group of intellectual elite of the polish country
If Russian agents want to somehow spread their agenda in Poland, you should start with a karachan
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:26:23 126072 8
image.png 146Кб, 358x317
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:27:40 126073 9
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:30:41 126074 10
What's going on there in the picture? Apparently these posts are translated into Russian using Google Translate. With tips on how to enable Cyrillic on your phone, lol. Are you planning a raid where you impersonate Russians?
05/05/24 Вск 14:29:24 126078 11
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